As a Director or Member of a Colony, I agree to the following process, once I have signed up:

The Colony Director should designate a safe, accessible place on their property for Colony Members to drop-off their bins each week.

During drop-off day, the Director shall ensure there are enough clean bins for Members to take when they make their drops.

The day of pick-up will be assigned by Turn and consistent on a bi-weekly schedule. This day is going to coincide with the company’s existing routes to ensure maximized efficiency. There will be no deviation from this, unless it’s a holiday week.

Members will be asked to drop off their filled bins starting the day prior to the pick-up day, to ensure 100% participation and on-time drops.

For example: Turn designates the pick-up days as Wednesday, each week. Members should drop-off filled buckets the day prior, from 6AM-midnight, to the location that has been designated. If a Member misses this drop-off window, they will need to wait until the following week.

Members must respect the Directors drop-off location, leaving no additional debris, trash, or overflowing bins, etc. Any special instructions regarding drop-off will be posted by the Director and Members shall agree to them, if applicable.

If a Director is out of town during one of the pick-up weeks, they should communicate to both Turn as well as their Membership, to either designate an alternative location or the Director will pre-plan and have clean bins already available for drop-off day with access for pick-up, to ensure a smooth transition.

Members can cancel at any time by ending their account online and dropping off their last bin at the host location.

Directors may cancel their Colony with 2 months notice, to ensure a smooth transition to another location or to secure a new Director in the area.